Dems force NYPD to back off arrest of BLM organizer over cop assault


NYPD officers engaged in an hours-long stalemate with a cop-assault suspect — a Black Lives Matter organizer — on Friday in Hell’s Kitchen. That was until Police Commissioner Dermot Shea ordered them to retreat as ‘protesters’ arrived on the scene, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

The top cop’s directive forced them to give up without the suspect in custody. It left some NYPD insiders fuming, given the city’s recent concessions to unruly protesters.

“Another example of mob rules,” an NYPD insider said.


Derrick Ingram screamed through a bullhorn into the ear of a cop at a recent demonstration, leaving her with hearing damage.

Dozens of cops, some dressed in tactical gear, arrived at Ingram’s apartment to arrest him but couldn’t enter since they didn’t have a warrant (Democrat judges don’t give them easily, although we don’t know why they didn’t have one. They didn’t need one to make an arrest).

While refusing to come out, the suspect began live-streaming the battle online, sending fellow protesters racing to the scene.


Six hours later, a crowd of 100 chanted anti-NYPD slogans.

“The police should be aware by now of the need to de-escalate situations like this rather than show up to try to arrest a single individual using dozens of officers and not even have a warrant in hand,” said state Sen. Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan) to The Post. “It’s a misapplication of resources.”  Hoylman is a big BLM supporter.

Watch the end of the clip where the Black Lives Matter protester is whisked off by buddies to loud cheers. Only 100 screamers and the police were forced to back off the arrest of a man who assaulted an officer.


Hoylman called City Hall and the communist Mayor on behalf of his voters, the BLM. With that, cops were forced to turn tail and run, bowing to the mob. Police Commissioner Dermot Shea gave the order.

Cops also received assurances that the suspect would later turn himself in with a lawyer at a police station house, but it did not immediately appear that he has held up his end.

It’s not about the warrant. This goes on with every arrest.

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