Dem’s leading candidate has another week like every other week


A young man whose family situation grew worse under Obamacare asked Joe Biden if Obama was lying about it costing less or did he just not understand Obamacare.

Remarkably, Joe answered, “No one understood Obamacare.”

Great, so let us all vote for him. They shoved that plan down our throats and none of them understood it. Nancy Pelosi must have been serious when she said you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. She didn’t even know.

After that, Joe hesitated a bit and then went into some gibberish about a public option.

Once the public option is in, insurance companies won’t be able to compete and they will eventually fold.

You can listen to the whole speech here, go to 33:00. It was on December 28th in Washington, Iowa.

Today he was rambling on about Iran. He claims the students who were protesting are behind it and that it was “airtight.”

He is lying. The Iran deal did not allow inspection of Iran’s military facilities. The IAEA only inspects the peaceful part of their nuclear program. They had no access to Iran’s military facilities that secured the weapons program.

If it was anything, it was not airtight. The worst part of the deal is it allowed Iran to get the bomb, just not right away.

The Iranians never even signed it. It was a treaty that was not constitutionally approved by 3/5ths of the Senate.

The Iranians violated the deal five times, and now they will drop the pretense.

The left keeps lying about the deal.

Then there was Joe’s statement about coal miners.

On New Year’s Eve, he made it clear he didn’t see the need for coal miners. If they can throw coal in a furnace, they can learn to code, according to him. Can you believe this is the best the Democrats have?


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