Dems pass bailout-stimulus relief package without one Republican vote


Democrats in the upper chamber voted 50-49 Tuesday, strictly along party lines, to allow an expedited passage process to begin in the House and Senate.

Senate Democrats are moving President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief proposal to the next stage after agreeing to a process that doesn’t require any support from Republicans, for now.

The Senate will pass the $1.9 trillion COV relief package. No Republican will vote for it and it will pass with reconciliation.

Democrats appear to have to the votes.

It’s called a stimulus but with them keeping businesses closed in blue states, what are they stimulating?

The Twitter trolls are claiming Republicans didn’t vote for it because they don’t care about Americans.

Democrats want to crash the system with exorbitant spending so they can replace capitalism with socialism. When people realize what Democrats are doing, it might not go so well for them.

The plan gives $400 billion for COVID relief and $1400 checks, but most of the money is going to bail out reckless cities and states and has nothing to do with COVID.

He put an additional burden on small businesses by requiring them to pay $15 an hour wages. They are demanding they pay hazard pay. This is at a time when they are struggling, unable to open in many blue states.

There will be another $130 million for schools — actually, teachers unions — to allegedly reopen safely.

Emergency paid leave for parents, expansion of child tax credits (including illegal aliens), funding to the Economic Development Administration and environmental justice grants to help low-income, funding for critical programs to aid in the global response to and recovery from the pandemic (These instructions include significant funding for humanitarian assistance and Global Health programs), and money for the transit systems, including Amtrak, is also included.

It’s all bailouts and welfare with no effort to open businesses and schools.

We haven’t been able to get a copy of the actual American Rescue Plan.

ADDENDUM: Democrat Senator Manchin could be a holdout, but that’s not likely. He always gives in on important issues.

Also, the reason you don’t see a test of the bill is there isn’t one. They are voting on a 19-page document.

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