Dems use Harpo’s philosophy, “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?’


During the hearings, most of the Democrats defended the rioters in Portland and elsewhere. Sometimes they tried to deflect to the Michigan protests but that was in the statehouse and had nothing to do with the federal government.

The Democrats are openly supporting a violent, criminal, terrorist group such as Antifa (Antifa openly supports fascism). Is that a winning position?

The media and the Democrats pretend the riots don’t exist and the protests are mostly peaceful.

These hearings are just intended to let congresspeople bloviate and assassinate others’ character. They should be trying to get information but they just lob grenades and lie.

They won’t let Barr speak. Brit Hume tweeted: House Judiciary Democrats will doubtless win plaudits from their hardcore supporters for their refusal to permit Barr to answer their criticisms in today’s hearings. But fairminded viewers seem unlikely to approve of such behavior.

The violence is in blue cities exclusively. The officials are ultra-liberal nutjobs.

Attorney General Barr basically said it’s the first time a political party has defended riots:

Biden is also defending the rioters, pretending they are peaceful protesters:

The media is lying, claiming the protests are peaceful:

Even the PBS News Hour is totally corrupt:

Here are your peaceful protesters:

This is what the far-left transportation commissioner is doing about the fence erected by the feds to protect the courthouse:

In conclusion, the Democrats are insane and the Barr hearing today is a clown show.

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