A reader of the Sentinel made a good point that should be discussed. The government wants us to believe in a lot of anomalies and coincidences in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump while, at the same time, hiding all the information. Yesterday, Secret Service Director Cheatle refused to say if a second person was involved in the shooting. It could mean nothing since she wouldn’t answer any questions, but you’d think she’d want to dispel “conspiracy theories.” The agents sure cleaned up that site fast. I am putting this up for discussion.
“Try as I might, I cannot find any reason for hiding the number of casing other than; that number is lower than the number of shots recorded on audio tracks.
“9 shots were fired, supposedly 8 by Crooks and one by the sniper.
“If there was 8 casing by Crooks why would Cheatle be refusing to tell us ?
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“obviously there are LESS than 8
“which means someone else was shooting
“the FBI and the USSS will have to fabricate some story to explain that.
“That is why they want 60 days.
“They will say 3 of the casings rolled down the sloped roof, fell in the grass and when the lawn was mowed, the casings were destroyed or some stupid story like that.
“It is obvious the 3 first shots were by the professional assassin that Cheatle knew was there.
“It is obvious that her refusing to tell us who was in charge means SHE was in charge, I do not mean she was there on site, I mean she prior to the event had gave the order to stand down and not shoot until Crooks began shooting.
“Why else is she refusing to give the most basic information ???
“It was an assassination all orchestrated by the democrat deep state, and Cheatle was in charge of making sure that event would be set up in way to make sure the professional shooter would be able to shoot Trump, and no one would stop Crooks as they needed him as the Patsy and the scapegoat.
“The plan and the order for the hit may have come from higher, Obama, Hillary, Garland, Mayorkas or even Joe and Jill Biden, but Cheatle was in charge of making sure it would work.
“It was not incompetence, the more we learn about it the less incompetence can explain it.
“It was intent, 100% intent.”