DNC Black Caucus Chair Calls for Black Panther-Style Revolution


The Democratic Party has embraced revolutionaries who once ran with the worst of the Black Separatist gangs, a ruthless, murderous cult — the Black Panthers.

With Democratic National Committee Chair Keith Ellison in attendance, the DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins boasted last month that she is a former Black Panther. The Black Panthers were criminals and Communist Black separatists.

This admission was taped at a Detroit town hall on March 31st of this year.

Rollins spoke of the need for revolution and referenced Communists Angela Davis and Kathleen Cleaver. These two were the worst of the worst.

The Black Panthers were radical gangbangers who used race as an excuse to commit crimes. They did do charity work also, but that was offset by their crimes and their communism.

To be clear, we have a Democratic National Committee overrun by Communist revolutionaries. Ellison is also famous for being an avid member to the hate group, The Nation of Islam.

Background on the Marxists and the Black Panthers:

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