Docs indicate University of Pittsburgh harvested live babies’ organs


“Deeds done in darkness cannot stand the light.” Pitt’s abortion program, run by Planned Parenthood, was tasked with aborting infants alive to harvest the freshest kidneys for federal money—and targeting Black and Brown mamas and babies the whole time.

~ David Daleiden

Everyone is outraged about NIAID Dr. Fauci killing puppies and they should be but why aren’t they as outraged about killing 42-46-week babies?

Pittsburgh’s Nazi Experiments?

The federal government funded the University of Pittsburgh’s organ harvesting program. According to Judicial Watch, the University of Pittsburgh received a $3.2 million grant from the NIH to harvest organs of six weeks to 46-week old babies.

The information comes from a 252-page report obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (read below). The University of Pittsburgh wanted to become a tissue hub.

42-week babies, 46-week babies are not fetuses!

Pitt’s application specified that it sought to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation).” Past 42 weeks is considered “post-term” or “overdue,” according to NIH.

40 weeks is a full-term baby!

The horrific findings were requested by both Judicial Watch and the Center For Medical Progress through the Freedom of Information Act.

In one part of the 252 page report, it revealed that the NIH also authorized funding for the University of Pittsburg’s plan to help full-term pregnant women give birth. Then after the mother delivered the baby, they would surgically remove the organs of the baby for harvesting.

That’s what the ChiComs do to prisoners and slaves.

“Taxpayers shelled out nearly $3 million to build organ ‘pipeline’ at University of Pittsburgh,”

~Judicial Watch in The Washington Free Beacon.

The University of Pittsburgh ADMITTED to news media today that “ischemia”—the loss of blood supply—does not happen until AFTER they cut the kidneys out of an aborted baby. That seems to say the fetuses are delivered alive. This appears to be either partial-birth abortion, or infanticide.


However, Pitt has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, including refuting allegations that it harvested organs from live infants. In a statement to Fox News, it called such allegations “irresponsible and completely false.”

“As we have repeatedly noted,” said David Seldin, vice chancellor for news, “the University of Pittsburgh does not perform medical procedures and is not part of the tissue collection process. All of the University’s research is closely supervised to ensure compliance with strict and rigorous federal and state laws and regulations.”

The laws are very loose. An investigation is needed. The evil Planned Parenthood helps run this seeming baby organ harvesting project.


The project by the University of Pittsburgh is called GUDMAP. The goal is to collect fetal tissue and organs like the heart, gonads, liver, brain, kidneys, bladders, and ureters for medical research. They’ve done this for a decade.

The grant application declared that the University of Pittsburgh also said they would be able to collect five aborted fetuses a week.

The Grant Stated 50% of Organs Harvested Must Be From Minorities

The grant requires that 50% of the babies used in their organ harvesting experiment must be minorities and 25% of those babies must be African Americans.

The Founder of the Center of Medical Progress publicly called the experiments racist.

In response, the University of Pittsburgh replied that projects funded by the NIH must not eliminate the inclusion of minorities. The NIH and the University of Pittsburgh both stated that they followed all federal guidelines regarding research on fetal tissue.

There is little doubt that if donors want some — many — members of Congress to approve any of these horrendous procedures, they would be fine with them. It’s fine with ‘devout Catholics’ Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.

NIH Overturned The Trump-Era Ethics Policy

In April, the NIH officially overturned the Trump administration’s policy regarding research on fetal tissue cells.

The ‘devout Catholic’ Joe Biden declared that the ethics board that was put in place by the Trump administration will no longer be needed. They were immediately disbanded.

Now, fetal tissue research no longer has to be accountable to anyone. The evil NIH can fund research as much as they please with very little pushback, now that the ethics board has been removed.

JW v HHS NIH July 2021 Records 00642 by M on Scribd

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