DoJ Charges Oath Keeper + 10 for Seditious Conspiracy


Stew­art Rhodes, the leader and founder of the right-wing mili­tia group the Oath Keep­ers, was ar­rested Thurs­day and charged with sedi­tious con­spir­acy as part of the Jus­tice De­part­ment’s in­ves­ti­ga­tion into the at­tack on the U.S. Capi­tol on Jan. 6 last year.

FBI agents ar­rested Mr. Rhodes, 56 years old, at his home in Granbury, Texas, his at­tor­ney said.

Rhodes had put out a call on the group’s website in the days before the attack for “all patriots who can be in DC” to travel to Washington for a “security mission” to “stand tall in support of President Trump’s fight,” NBC and CNBC report.

Seditious conspiracy is a conspiracy to commit sedition. It is a federal crime in the United States per 18 U.S.C. § 2384…

They probably tweeted something stupid. The J6 committee probably referred some of these people. I don’t believe he tried to overturn the government.

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