Don’t Forget Andrew Cuomo’s Hearing at 2! Watch It Live!


The hearing on Andrew Cuomo’s terrible leadership during COVID is set for 2 pm. It will be contentious.

Cuomo and his aides have derided the committee as a “MAGA Covid panel” led by a “foot doctor.” He’s referring to Rep. Brad Wenstrup.

That is how he operates. Cuomo demonizes opponents with non-facts and irrelevant information.

Cuomo’s team warned House lawyers that they might file state bar complaints.

The House subcommittee report finds that Andrew Cuomo “unjustifiably exposed vulnerable nursing home populations to COVID-19” and that Cuomo personally blamed outbreaks on “nursing home staff infections” instead of his own deadly directive.

One of the most criminal things he did, and blames on Donald Trump, although he was the top executive of the state of New York, is to put the elderly with COVID in nursing homes. COVID incubated in those facilities.

He had a near-empty hospital ship and the Jacob Javits Center, also empty. However, he refused to put the elderly in those facilities.

Then he lied about it, even in a book that was eventually deep-sixed.

He also lost the Emmy he never earned.

Cuomo hid the data. He wasn’t the only Democrat governor who did this, but he got caught and even Democrats didn’t like him. He’s a thug.

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