Joe Biden plans to ramp up the Obama-era social engineering scheme, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act, using a scheme by Cory Booker. Not only will he destroy all local zoning laws in the United States, nationalizing housing, but he will also put low-income housing and multiple-family dwellings into all suburbs.
If locals don’t go along, the Feds will hold back highway dollars.
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This isn’t about desegregation, since suburbs are desegregated. It’s about control by the big national government and social engineering.
Biden’s plan is to force suburban towns with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to build high-density affordable housing smack in the middle of their flowery, sprawling neighborhoods. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all zoning [and the single-family home].
It was Obama’s worst idea. It’s a plan to redistribute housing. The left doesn’t like the suburbs because they tend to go Republican.
It’s housing totalitarianism.