Dr. Fauci Says ‘Conspiracy’ Theorists Who ‘Deny Reality…Don’t Like’ Him

And I think people who feel differently, who have conspiracy theories, who deny reality that’s looking them straight in the eye, those are people that don’t particularly care for me.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director NIAID


Dr. Fauci, the famous bureaucrat, said the unvaccinated are causing a threat of a fifth wave of COVID-19 in the U.S.

“The problem is, as we all know, we still have approximately 66 million people who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not vaccinated,” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Anthony Fauci told “Fox News Sunday.”

“The degree to which we continue to come down in that slope will depend on how well we do about getting more people vaccinated.”

Dr. Fauci didn’t bother to mention the fact that the settled science has revealed even vaccinated Americans can contract and spread COVID-19, particularly if they have minimal symptoms and unwittingly interact closely with others without using mitigation protocols like social distancing or masking.

Also, what about all those mobs in sports stadiums and at concerts without massive outbreaks?

Fauci told far-left Democrat Chris Wallace, “If we don’t do very well in that regard, there’s always the danger that there’ll be enough circulating virus that you can have a stalling of the diminishing of the number of cases and when that happens, as we’ve seen in the past with other waves that we’ve been through, there’s the danger of resurgence.”

“When you’re in a public health crisis, sometimes unusual situations require unusual actions,” Fauci said, campaigning for mask and vaccine mandates to “protect society.”

“I have stood for making science, data, and evidence be what we guide ourselves by,” Fauci said about allegations of his complicity in the global coronavirus pandemic and the risky research done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as funded by Fauci’s own National Institutes of Health. “And I think people who feel differently, who have conspiracy theories, who deny reality that’s looking them straight in the eye, those are people that don’t particularly care for me.”

No, Dr. Fauci, That isn’t it. We don’t care for you, Dr. Fauci, because you’re a self-confessed liar who constantly moves the goalposts, destroying your own credibility.

“And that’s understandable because what I do, I try very hard, is to be guided by the truth, and sometimes the truth becomes inconvenient for some people, so they react against me. That just is what it is. There’s not much I can do about that.”


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