Dr. Fauci tells Americans to “do what they’re told,” says we’re not ‘authoritarians’


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned on Thursday that despite the “independent spirit” of Americans, it’s time to “do what they’re told” by health experts and government officials.

He thinks that overreaching on personal liberties is the answer.


“I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now because each of our countries has that independent spirit,” Fauci said while speaking at Washington National Cathedral.

“I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”

He thinks scientists are not “authoritarians” and should not be “lumped into politics.”

“All of a sudden, science gets caught in a lot of this divisiveness,” he said.

The New York Times reported says cases are spiking, and conditions are worsening.


The MSM can’t be trusted, however, and they exaggerate. They reported that New York City is worse than in May when 800 were dying in a day, which isn’t true. Andrew Cuomo is thinking about shutting down again, even though lockdowns don’t stop the virus. He ignores the damage done by destroying peoples’ livelihoods, the ability to worship, and the freedom to go places and do things.

The Washington Post reported. “The rapid rise in hospitalizations could foreshadow a long period of rising deaths, said Scott Gottlieb, former director of the Food and Drug Administration. Although improvements in care have pushed the mortality rate below 1 percent in the United States, 1,549 people died of the virus Wednesday, the highest toll since April.”

They are testing more, and there are a lot of false positives. Plus, Democrats, many of them, made it clear that the pandemic allows them to put in place all of their [totalitarian] policies.

Fauci does have faith in the vaccines.

“Certainly, it’s not going to be pandemic for a lot longer because I believe the vaccines are going to turn that around,” Fauci said. “Putting it to rest doesn’t mean eradicating it. I doubt we’re going to eradicate this. I think we need to plan that this is something we may need to maintain control over chronically. It may be something that becomes endemic that we have to just be careful about.”


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