Elon Musk Has a Big Problem at Twitter


Elon Musk will have his work cut out for him trying to bring free speech to the Twitter platform. Almost all of his employees fund the Left. He can’t fire them all but they have tremendous power in numbers. Mr. Musk will have to convince them to become neutral, abandoning activism.

Tech employees are Left-wing, according to an examination of political contributions during this election cycle, using data from Open Secrets, a nonprofit political spending database by the Center for Responsive Politics.

VOX reported:

Google’s employees donated the most so far — $3.7 million — to individual Democratic and Republican midterm campaigns. It was followed by Microsoft ($1.5 million), Apple ($1.2 million), Facebook ($1.1 million ), and Amazon ($971,000). (Our data doesn’t include donations to Independent candidates nor to party groups.)

The vast majority of those donations went to Democrats. The most extreme examples were Netflix ($321,000) and Twitter ($228,000), which had about 99 percent of employee donations go to Dems.

It’s not as if we didn’t know. This is just confirmation. I remember when UCLA, Amnesty International, and the ACLU fought for free speech, et al. They fought until they got the upper hand.

Tucker believes Elon Musk buying Twitter is big news, and a possible pivot point because Elon Musk believes in free speech. He’s going to need help with those employees.

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