Another entitled person, via Unlimited L’s, was pulled over at a traffic stop. This NJ Councilman curses out a cop and tells him he hired him. Then the officer asked him if he was crazy, and he said yes.
“You’re actually pulling over an elected official,” he screamed after cursing out the officer. The lawbreaker explained he’s not a “random.” He’s his “boss.”
The officer told him he could pull over anybody.
The officer took the rant very well.
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The crazy councilman, by his admission he’s crazy, asked the officer what he was smoking.
The crazy guy said he’s not just a “MotherF****.”
He doesn’t think he’s crazy, I’m sure, but he does need some anger management and some sense.
The officer explained he had to pull him over for blowing the stop sign with a canceled registration. He cut him a break, gave him one citation, and told the driver to “drive safely.”
JUST IN: Entitled NJ councilman curses a cop during a traffic stop “you know who I am?…You’re not pulling over a random…You’re pulling over an elected official…”
Council member Theodore Holloway was stopped for allegedly failing to stop completely at a stop sign…
— Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) January 27, 2025
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