Evil US Media Convinced People Rittenhouse Killed Black People – Watch


A student at James Madison University uploaded a video to the University’s public Snapchat account to complain about the Rittenhouse verdict. He was angry that Rittenhouse was acquitted after “taking away two beautiful black lives.”

However, the men killed by Rittenhouse were White. The lawyers were white, the so-called victims were white, the defendant is white, the judge is white. Everybody is white.

The media, however, led people to believe the victims were black. Foreign newspapers in Brazil, the UK, The Netherlands, all reported the victims were black.

“I simply wanted to publicly announce that the verdict of the Kyle Rittenhouse case has been nothing more than a disgusting reminder of what it’s really like to be Black in America. All the protesting, everything we went through in 2020 we – we really would think would make a change but clearly, it doesn’t. We scream Black lives matter but it doesn’t matter enough for these people who are in power, the jury, the judge, anybody to charge this man with murdering and taking away two beautiful Black lives at the ripe ages of 26 and 36. It’s disgusting.”

US media is evil.

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