Ex-Obama Aide ‘Takes the Michelle High Road’, Calls Sen. Sinema a “C-“


One of Obama’s former top aides, Alyssa Mastromonaco, sunk to the depths of the English language to verbally assault Sen. Krysten Sinema for daring to vote independently of the far left on single issues.

“I think she’s a c—,” Alyssa Mastromonaco told the “Pod Save America” podcast earlier this month, after Sinema refused to side with other Democrats regarding the filibuster. “That’s what I have to say.”

Mastromonaco chose a fairly large platform for her profanity-laced remarks: According to Chartable, the podcast has enormous reach and is the seventh-highest news program on Apple Podcasts, Fox News reports.

“She talks about the ‘disease of division,’” Mastromonaco said about one speech the senator gave in the Senate. “She gave the speech as Joe Biden was on [his] way up to the Hill. So anyway, it’s the s—tiest, grossest, most disrespectful thing she could’ve done. I think she’s a c—. That’s what I have to say.”

Alyssa here once called Donald Trump an “F- liar” and a “deranged animal” for saying Obama didn’t call the families of soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty. She keeps it classy.

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