Facebook reads your private messages locking for objectionable material


Facebook is reading your communications — your private messages — looking for material they find objectionable. Abigail Shrier discovered that Facebook has banned the NY Post story about Patrisse Cullors. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors, a Marxist, has said, “While the COVID-19 illness is tragic, what’s more tragic is capitalism.” Yet, she has four ritzy homes, one in a 90% white neighborhood. When that was discovered, the news hit Twitter and Facebook and the tech giants shut the story down.

The fact that Facebook is opening private messages and banning them should seriously worry people. This is Stalinism.

Facebook is now completely blocking users from posting a link to the original NY Post story in outrageous partisan censorship.


Cullors, an avowed Marxist, bought a $1.6 million home in Topango Canyon, California where there are only 1.6 percent blacks.

Another of the homes is a “custom ranch” located in Georgia and is surrounded by “3.2 rural acres.” It features a “private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it” in addition to an indoor swimming pool.

It’s not how Marxists are supposed to live.

Suspension of Jason Whitlock

Twitter suspended Jason Whitlock for outing Cullors. Twitter deleted his tweet.

After his twelve-hour suspension, Whitlock slammed the tech giant. He said, “Twitter has been looking for an excuse to de-platform me.”

“BLM is one of Big Tech’s sacred cows. I’ve been harping on the fraudulence and the financial grift of BLM for years. I think Twitter has been looking for an excuse to de-platform me,” Whitlock said.

“They want you to remove the tweet to start your 12-hour sentence. Why should I remove the tweet? They have already removed it. I sat back and said I’m going to do nothing and see where this story goes,” he added.

BLM Leader Threatens to Sue BLM Global Who Threaten Legal Action Against Him

One BLM activist called for an investigation into how finances were being used, other prominent figures within BLM threatened legal action against him.

Hawk Newsome, who heads up a Black Lives Matter group in Greater New York City, made the call for an investigation, telling the New York Post “If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes.”

Newsome said “black firms and black accountants” should conduct an audit on BLM Global Network Foundation to “find out where the money is going.”

“It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement,” Newsome added.

They’re eating their own for exposing them.


“Patrisse has worked for black people over the years, has made her and others who align with the fight for black liberation, targets of racist violence. The narratives being spread about Patrisse have been generated by right-wing forces intent on reducing the support and influence of a movement that is larger than any one organization.

This right-wing offensive not only puts Patrisse, her child, and her loved ones in harm’s way but also continues a tradition of terror by white supremacists against black activists. All black activists know the fear of these militias and serious actions are meant to instill the fear of being silenced, the trauma of being targeted, the torture of feeling one’s family is exposed to danger just for speaking out against unjust systems.”.

WHAT??? It’s about white supremacy???


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