There is an update on this link.
There is strong evidence of collusion between the DoJ and the mainstream media over the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac meeting. If you will remember, then-FBI Director James Comey said there were no records of the tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton which was days before Comey exonerated Hillary of any wrongdoing.
An email dump by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) seems to show collusion between the media and the DOJ to squash the story about the 2016 meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
The ACLJ write up first points out that Jim Comey lied:
First, the Comey FBI lied to us. Last July, we sent FOIA requests to both the Comey FBI and the Lynch DOJ asking for any documents related to the Clinton Lynch plane meeting. The FBI, under the then directorship of James Comey, replied that “No records responsive to your request were located.”
Secondly, the ACLJ report notes that there were several documents about the meeting showing the FBI and DoJ collaborated on talking points. The records appear to indicate that the Attorney General’s spin team immediately began preparing talking points for the Attorney General regarding the meeting before ever speaking with the attorney general about the matter.
The third point made is that “there is clear evidence that the mainstream media was colluding with the DOJ to bury the story”.
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A Washington Post reporter, speaking of the Clinton Lynch meeting story, said, “I’m hoping I can put it to rest .” The same Washington Post reporter, interacting with the DOJ spin team, implemented specific DOJ requests to change his story to make the Attorney General appear in a more favorable light.
A New York Times reporter apologetically told the Obama DOJ that he was being “pressed into service” to have to cover the story. As the story was breaking, DOJ press officials stated, “I also talked to the ABC producer, who noted that they aren’t interested, even if Fox runs with it.”
Two days after the meeting, DOJ officials in a chain of emails that includes emails to Attorney General Lynch herself stated that the media coverage of the meeting “looks like all or most are FOX” and that “CBS . . . just says a few lines about the meeting.”
Lastly, ACLJ reports that the DoJ pencil pushers redacted all the talking points and discussions of them, as well as a statement about the meeting.
This is blatant dishonesty and outright corruption. Maybe it’s not illegal but it’s morally reprehensible if accurate.
This is one reason why the House Judiciary Committee is asking for a second special counsel to investigate Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Hillary Clinton.