Lisa Page, the senior FBI official who appeared to aid and abet the Russia hoax, sent some really awful anti-Trump texts back in 2016. She is a committed leftist/liberal. She had to leave the FBI after her questionable appearance and did some nasty commentary on MSNBC. Now she’s headed for a tech job but declined to name the company on the podcast In Lieu of Fun, hosted by the Brookings Institution’s Benjamin Wittes and St. John’s University law professor Kate Klonick, The Washington Examiner reports.
Everyone on that podcast literally hates Trump. Page is now a Democrat hero after her horrendous behavior.
Page believes she is not through with the probe of her antics during the 2016 election.
“Nothing’s over for me,” she said. “Lindsey Graham still has the Senate, Durham still hasn’t interviewed me.”
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At one point in the podcast, Wittes asked if Page had any New Year’s message for Durham the chief investigator into the coup or Senator Graham who is leading the probe in the Senate. Page said, “No.” Klonick then coaxed her suggesting how she might respond, “You can subpoena me for my New Year’s message,” and gave the finger to the camera. Page, watching, smiled, and laughed.
Page has left Twitter. That’s a good idea since she too is hated by many.
Later in the interview, she said she happily threw out her suits and said, “Any more, even if I get called to Congress, or Durham, or whatever, like I’m not wearing a full-on suit for you motherf—ers,” Page said. “Like, f— you. Like, I’m going to wear whatever I damn well please.”
Lovely potty mouth on that one who was having an extramarital affair with her equally nasty colleague, Peter Strzok.
The most concerning text the two shared occurred on Aug. 8, 2016 — although there were many concerning texts — when Page texted Strzok to say, “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right?” and Strzok answered, “No. No, he’s not. We’ll stop it.” Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz wrote that “the messages raised serious questions about the propriety of any investigative decisions in which Strzok and Lisa Page played a role.”
Strzok claims he has no memory of writing the text.
For her part, Page told House investigators in 2018 that both she and Strzok brought great integrity to their work and would not have used their authority for political purposes. Page also said that at the time in 2016, she was very upset by candidate Donald Trump’s statements about Khizr Kahn, the Gold Star father who had attacked Trump from the stage at the Democratic National Convention. Strzok’s “No we’ll stop it” was “simply an attempt to comfort me,” Page testified.
Page might face more questions, but if Democrats take the Senate, the probe will die.
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