California is releasing as many people from prison as quickly as possible (AB 109) and they make a point of hiring probation-friendly parole boards. They have also decriminalized crimes with Props 47 and 57.
The one-party state wants prisoners out of prison, but even with all they have done, the prison population has not decreased by much. The ruling Democrat Socialists have a new scheme to push their plan to empty out state prisons, the OC Register points out. They are moving to allow felons to sit on juries, with the hope that they won’t convict accused criminals or at least be lenient.
SB310, authored by state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, would allow Californians who have prior felony convictions to serve on juries.
In a press release promoting the proposal, Skinner wrote, “SB310 will help ensure that California juries represent a fair cross-section of our communities…People with felony records have the right to vote in California. There is no legitimate reason why they should be barred from serving on a jury.”
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There is a reason and she knows it. As clear as night turns into day, felons will go very easy on criminals and that is what Ms. Skinner of Berkeley wants. There is no longer any pushback on these absurd laws since the state is under one-party control.
SB310 makes no distinction between violent and non-violent offenders, and even allows convicted felons who are still on probation or parole to serve.
It sailed through the Senate.
Lawmakers say they want jurors who look like the defendants. Therefore, it makes sense to have minority criminals and illegal alien criminals sit in judgment. At least it makes sense in California.
It’s like turning the keys to the bank to bank robbers.
The sinister idea that jurors have to look like the accused is a step too far. It’s a sick, divisive idea.
California has open borders with narco-states, gives sanctuary to criminals, and then they want some of those same people serving on the juries of the accused.
Felons are A-Ok:
Under the bill, anyone with an ID can serve, which appears to include illegal aliens. It reads:
The Trial Jury Selection and Management Act (act) requires all persons be selected for jury service at random and from sources inclusive of a representative cross-section of the population of the area served by the court. The act specifies that the list of registered voters and list of licensed drivers and identification cardholders who are resident within the area served by the court are appropriate source lists for the selection of jurors, and further specifies that these 2 source lists, when substantially purged of duplicate names, are considered inclusive of a representative cross-section of the population.
Conveniently, there won’t be any records of who they are:
(3)The act requires the jury commissioner to maintain records regarding selection, qualification, and assignment of prospective jurors.
This bill would require the jury commissioner to develop an anonymous form for the purpose of determining whether the pool of prospective jurors who appear for jury service pursuant to a jury summons accurately represents a cross section of the population of the area served by the court. The bill would further require the jury commissioner to produce a report, twice yearly, that aggregates the data collected from the forms, and would require the superior court of each county to maintain the reports and make them publicly available. The bill would require litigants to be provided with copies of the lists of all jurors’ names, including the identifying information of all persons who have previously served as jurors, in support of a motion to quash the venire or in discovery for that motion.
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