Fiona Hill Says We’re Already in World War III


Politicians and their EU compatriots in the New World Order keep warning of World War III. The question then arises, are they looking for war? Fiona Hill, a Trump impeachment witness, says we are in World War III. She isn’t the first to say it, and probably not the last.

The 24/7 news cycle is dedicated to war.

Remember when they said Donald Trump would start World War III? This is a Democrat administration and we keep hearing the drumbeats of war. RINOs have joined them, calling for a no-fly zone. That would be an act of war requiring the shooting down of Russian planes.

Ukrainian President Zelensky brought a Welt reporter to tears with a speech he gave on Saturday via video link. The impassioned speech brought the EU members to their feet in an emotional ovation.

The war and the horrors of the invasion are emotional but we must not go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Out leaders are colossal failures and we are deeply in debt, dangerously in debt.

The German Welt translator could barely contain tears during President Zelensky’s speech on live TV Saturday evening. The 27 EU Nations were connected by video link. He pleaded for weapons and for Russia to lose its voice in the UN.

Talk of World War III

Warmongering former Pres. George W. Bush condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine, called it the “gravest security crisis on the European continent since World War II.”

“We cannot tolerate the authoritarian bullying and danger that Putin poses.”

He needs to stop talking.

Fiona Hill said we are in World War III in a recent interview for Politico.

Politico reporter Maura Reynalds reached out to Hill for a piece on Russian President Putin. She called Hill “one of America’s most clear-eyed Russia experts,” with a “reputation for truth-telling, earned when she testified during impeachment hearings for her former boss, President Donald Trump.”

When Reynalds asked Hill whether we are on the brink of World War III, Hill said “We are already in it.” Those words were widely quoted on social media in a grand escalation of the Ukraine-Russia War. In the same interview, Hill also insisted Putin would use nuclear weapons.

The British-American foreign affairs specialist and academic testified against then-President Donald Trump at his impeachment trial. Hill was a star witness in the now-debunked Russia collusion hoax. She was a key link between Christopher Steele and his primary source for his dossier on Donald Trump, Igor Danchenko. Hill claimed she didn’t know Steele wrote the dossier.

Part of her testimony included reports of unsubstantiated stories about the dossier, not even knowing it was written by her comrade Christopher Steele.

Hill wrote two books with Clifford Gaddy, her colleague at Brookings Institute and a former Lyndon LaRouche lieutenant. Gaddy ran the bizarre LaRouche operations in Sweden. He is conspiratorial against Russian President Putin.

She’s the academic who, along with Axios, tried to pin Crimea on Donald Trump, despite it happening on do-nothing Barack Obama.’s watch.



Emotional Ukrainians say World War III has started.


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