Media Matters, with the help of media allies, is demanding that Tucker Carlson be fired now. They are running a list of his remaining advertisers and there aren’t many left. Their attacks scare off advertisers fairly easily. The latest attack claims Tucker is justifying the killing of people in Kenosha by the teen from Illinois — Kyle Rittenhouse.
The new complaint comes from a truncated clip taken out of context, but even out of context, it’s hard to disagree with his point. The shortened clip:
Leftists always use the shortest possible clip of conservatives but demand full context when they are held to their standards. Totalitarians hate when people hold them to their own standards. #FireTuckerCarlsonNow? No, #GiveTuckerCarlsonARaise
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) August 27, 2020
If you allow lawlessness — looting and violence — without punishing the criminals and then calling them ‘mostly peaceful protesters,’ it will escalate. That is the only point he was trying to make.
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The Daily Beast is also getting people worked up with their dishonest article. Their headline reads, “Tucker Carlson Justifies Kenosha Shootings: Vigilante Kid Did What ‘No One Else Would’”
Tucker obviously didn’t mean it the way they are characterizing it. The Beast wrote that he told “his Fox News viewers that the 17-year-old merely “decided to maintain order when no one else would.” They only showed the short clip without context.
This is the full clip:
Kenosha devolved into anarchy because the authorities abandoned the people. Those in charge, from the governor on down, refused to enforce the law. They’ve stood back and watched Kenosha burn. Are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder?
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 27, 2020
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