Flynn family statement to the United States of America


While General Michael Flynn wanted a full exoneration, Judge Emmett Sullivan ran out the clock with his bizarre appeals. Waiting for Biden administration justice would be foolish.

The pardon today was just. General Flynn was framed by the FBI and it was politically motivated.

The Flynn family issued a statement to the USA:

After attesting to their love of country, they wrote that the four long years fighting the “vicious, deep-rooted corruption of government institutions, and vengeful individuals intent on destroying General Flynn and our country in shameful defiance of justice and the rule of law. Those individuals have disgraced the United States of America. The perpetuation of this political persecution of General Flynn was further fermented by Judge Emmet Sullivan’s refusal to dismiss the fraudulent prosecution. Judge Sullivan’s inactions are a reprehensible assault against the Constitution and will live in infamy the world over and is his legacy.”

They expressed their gratitude to President Donald J. Trump for “answering our prayers and the prayers of a nation…”

They also warned that “our nation is at a crucible moment in history.”

General Flynn responded to his family’s statement: “God bless family.”

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