There is no systemic racism today and that is the BIG LIE (except what Democrats instill with Critical Race Theory). Did Biden believe the United States was “racist to its core” when he and Harris won the election? “Laura Ingraham asks. “Did he think the police department is a racist killing machine?”
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are despicable racial arsonists and used the Derek Chauvin trial as a way to lie about our country. They bought into the BIG LIE.
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Derek Chauvin was just a “stepping stone” to tearing down America. They have to convince all black Americans that whites and the police hate them and will never be fair to them.
The Left has decided the punishment for the BIG LIE must be wide-ranging. Every incident will be used to further the BIG LIE.
It is divisive and warps thinking, Ingraham says.
This is not about George Floyd or Derek Chauvin. It’s a “political revolution” and “the federalizing of all police in America.”
They have begun with the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act introduced by Kamala Harris and promoted by Joe Biden and his “systemic racism law.”
It would “mean no police,” eliminate qualified immunity for the police, deprive police of the equipment they need, and “set management and operational standards for the police.” In other words, “it would go big on cultural identity workshops” but not so big “on getting criminals off the streets.”
According to the National Review, the bill is “poisonous” and “Police departments seeking federal grants…must pledge to spend at least 5 percent of the funds they receive on studying and implementing programs like those that the NAAP (once a great organization, now communist), ACLU (communist from its origins), and the National Urban League devise.”
Ingraham’s theory is that the Left’s policies are so bad they have to come up with these lies. The race hustlers don’t go to Englewood, they go to where the cameras are.
Our country is fair and we pray for justice.
Americans of all races and creeds deserve the truth from their leaders, but Joe Biden has proven today that he is incapable of telling us the truth.