Funny! Watters Compares Obama’s Visit with the Queen to Trump’s


Fox News host Jesse Watters compared the President’s visit with Queen Elizabeth to that of the former president Barack Obama’s visit.

Watters compared the toasts, gifts, signatures, and the attire of the First Lady with Mrs. Obama. To be fair, Watters mentioned he compared photos when Mrs. O was caught up in a breeze, but you can still compare styles.

Here is Melania
Here is Mrs. O, caught by the wind

Watters also pointed to the gifts bestowed on the Queen, with Obama giving her an iPod with HIS speeches on it while Trump opted for a more traditional Tiffany brooch.

Both presidents signed the Queen’s guest book, but Watters mocked Obama for dating his signature ‘2008’ when he was actually there in 2011. Obama was still all excited about his 2008 win.

A Royal expert compared the style of the two women at the State dinners.


“Style is very personal, so everyone is going to have a different opinion,” Watters said as he highlighted the photos of the first ladies. “I think you know what mine is.”

Royal expert and author Katie Nicholl joined the “Watters’ World” panel to discuss the differences in the Trump and Obama state visits, noting that the women have “completely different styles” but there were specific instances that stood out to her.“When Michelle was here for the state dinner, she wore an off-the-shoulder dress, it was crossed over at the front,” she said.

“That’s a bit risqué because you don’t show your shoulders at a state dinner. She also didn’t wear a hat once during her visit while Melania pulled out the stops,” noting her Britannia-themed Gucci dress.”


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