Geraldo calls Dan Bongino a “punk” and a “son of a bitch”


Hardcore leftist Geraldo Rivera, who pretends he’s a Republican or moderate at various times, offered a truly stupid solution to mistaking a taser for a gun.

As Dan Bongino tried to offer the counter, Geraldo, the empty safe guy, screamed out, “you’re nothing but a name-caller…you’re a cheap shot artist.”

Hannity got Geraldo to shut up and Bongino tried to explain that Geraldo was never a cop. That’s when Geraldo, known for giving away our military locations, shouted, “I know more than you. What do you know? What, did you have a ten-minute career as a cop? You’ve been running for office for the last twenty years.”

Hannity told Geraldo to stop, and Bongino said, “Take a valium.” He added that he should calm down since he’s a “70-year-old man.”

Bongino then explained the cross-draw in response to Geraldo’s stupid suggestion about where to keep a taser.

They each accused the other of not dealing with facts.

Geraldo accused Bongino of making him the issue. Then he made Bongino the issue. Geraldo complained of the riots and the need to reassure black people that cops aren’t out to get them. [Stats already prove that.]

Dan interrupted and said the problem is “because of you,” meaning the media.

Hannity brought up non-lethal alternatives. He also doesn’t know what he’s talking about on this issue. We can’t have cities burning down, Hannity said.

Bongino said it’s happening because people like Geraldo keep churning out a “race narrative with no data to back it up at all.” [Geraldo had pumped out false facts earlier in the ‘discussion’]

Geraldo said Bongino is the reason people have this rage. Bongino said Geraldo wants “to see the country burn.” Geraldo called him a “son of a bitch” and a “punk.”

Bongino added that “you wouldn’t tell me that to my face.”


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