German Police Are Measuring Distances Between People Using Long Rulers


Cooperating with authoritarianism is never a good idea. They won’t stop. They will keep the authority they’ve seized, and then they will go for more. The rules never apply to them, as they claim it’s for safety.

German police are now measuring distances between people in crowds. Our administration isn’t condemning any of this and the media refuses to report it.

These people aren’t about democracy. They’re the opposite.

The video, posted online by various German Twitter users, shows police on Saturday night using folding rulers as they walk through a crowd in Hamburg. They were measuring to make sure that people stay six feet apart during a protest.

On Saturday, Bloomberg News reported that around 8,000 people gathered in downtown Hamburg to protest vaccination mandates for children. It was far more than 8,000.

The unvaccinated have to walk on one side of fences and vaccinated on the other side. Of all countries, they should stay away from this kind of authoritarianism.

There was an enormous protest. The country is divided on the issue.


Psycho Boris Johnson says there is a “tidal wave of Omicron coming,” which he is using to push — what else — the booster. No one in the world has died from Omicron and it mostly presents with mild cold symptoms.

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