If the virus doesn’t get you, the Giant Asian Murder Hornet might. Then there are the killer bees from Africa. Isn’t globalism grand?
The deadly Asian giant hornet, the largest sized species of hornets in the world, has been discovered in the United States for the first time ever.
The murder hornet or ‘Giant Sparrow Bee” and the “yak killer.”
The beekeepers in northwestern Washington state and Canada have found hundreds of decapitated honey bees, pointing to the presence of Asian Giant Hornets in North America.
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The Asian Giant Hornet preys on larger insects, such as praying mantises, wasps, other hornets, as well as bees. The murder hornets are so lethal that in a matter of hours, they can wipe out entire colonies of eusocial insects, including bees. An individual hornet can kill 40 European honey bees in one minute.
Queens can grow to two inches long. They have mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees in hours.
They can kill people too.
These hornets have potent venom and a stinger that can puncture a beekeeping suit. It is like hot metal driving into skin when it stings.
Isn’t that dandy? Juat what we needed this year.
Meet the Asian giant hornet — also known as the “murder hornet.” It can kill a human just by stinging a person a couple of times. And for the first time ever, one was spotted in the US. https://t.co/aGLtbjSl36 pic.twitter.com/vz7g28wnYD
— CNN (@CNN) May 4, 2020
Ok, this may be the coolest video ever. Murder hornets defeated! https://t.co/AvmJ5oGS3r
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 6, 2020
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