Good News! The Economy’s Great, Not Bad Like Under Trump, So Says Biden


You will be happy to know everything is going swimmingly. Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes. It’s not bad like under Trump when women and minorities had jobs and gas was $1.90.

We have the lowest unemployment rate in history. What he forgot to mention is people keep quitting their jobs so they can retire, take care of the children since the schools were closed, or stay home and collect Nancy’s welfare/unemployment. The labor participation rate is only 61.9%. Roughly, 4.5 million left their jobs, more left in December. In 2019, it was rising and went up to 63.3%. It goes up under Republicans.

He didn’t add jobs as he says in the clip below. They were people going back to work.

Biden lied about the stimulus putting the economy back on a roll, and more. He just canNOT tell the truth. Lies, lies, lies. He also babbled about his socialist BBB plan.

Go to 20:12 if you must but have a barf bag on the ready:

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