A reporter asked tyrant Gretchen Whitmer about Tim Walz’s policies, which give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, free healthcare, and free college. Pretending she is a typical Midwesterner like Tim, she claimed they are common-sense policies that Americans like.
The more they give our money away, the more debt they accumulate until the whole thing collapses. This also attracts more illegal immigration, but that’s obvious.
Whitmer, like Walz, is anti-American and could care less about how much of our money is given to the people replacing us.
Harris campaign co-chair Gretchen Whitmer says Gov. Tim Walz giving illegals driver’s licenses, free college, and free health care is sensible policy that’s liked by Americanspic.twitter.com/9bF7iC8t81
— Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) August 18, 2024
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