The establishment Republicans never learn their lesson. They continue to allow the deep state to run amok. They don’t want checks and balances. A perfect example is the headwinds the President is facing by insisting on reforms to FISA.
The abuses of FISA are detailed in the report by Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. The FISA process was used to spy on the Trump campaign in what appears to have been a deliberate frame-up.
Lindsey wants FISA approved just as it is, with no changes. He wants the President to sign it as a clean bill. Mitch McConnell has the same attitude.
They are both career politicians who care first and foremost about themselves. Obviously, they also want the FISA process in place to continue the spy operation on Americans, even on candidates.
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The President has said in private meetings that he will not support extending the current surveillance laws as is. These laws and the abuses allow spying on every American.
If they can go after the President, they can go after you.
President Trump called on Republicans to work out a deal with Democrats on how to move forward.
GOP leaders are already talking about a potential 30-day extension of provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act while they try to hammer out a deal with Democrats.
FISA is an unconstitutional court. It violates our rights.
Attorney General William Barr allegedly has a plan to modify the law administratively to appease the president. We won’t hold our breath for that. It will likely be more cosmetic than substantive.
Trump told the lawmakers: “You all work out a bipartisan deal and come back to me and I’ll sign it,” according to a source in the room.
It will expire soon, let it die.
Representative Doug Collins spoke with Lou Dobbs on his show last night to discuss the expiring FISA authorization and the push by some in D.C. for a clean renewal. Rep. Collins makes a lot of sense.
Why not grab the opportunity, Collins wants to know. Senators claim they don’t have the time, but that’s absurd. If it’s put off, it will never be fixed. This is the time.
What does that tell Americans that they don’t want structural changes to end abuse?
Mr. Dobbs also asked Collins about Mitch McConnell’s back-room effort to block his senate campaign.
McConnell wants to stay in power and Collins — a real conservative — poses a threat. He wants to keep the liberal Republican woman who was appointed and who is a Romney ally.
Doug Collins is up against the same Senate machine that has gone after other Republican candidates.