Greatly oppressed Don Lemon whines about white privilege and CRT


During his show last week, Don Lemon went into his usual anti-white spiel with Chris Cuomo, trashing the oppressive white people as they both draw multi-million dollar salaries.

“That’s the idea … that’s the whole thing about white privilege,” Lemon noted during their exchange. “People don’t like to have their pleasure interrupted, their peace interrupted. And so, people think that it should be the way it should be because they have been taught that in this country.”

“But, you know, telling people, having people come to the realization, especially ancestors [descendants] of slaves, that they were enslaved, and that they were beaten and they were sold, that they weren’t able to accrue wealth, they weren’t able to go to school, weren’t able to go vote … you think that makes them feel good?” he said, mockingly.

“So, the folks on the other side, stop making it about you,” he scolded. “Be curious instead of judgmental, that’s all.”

Yes, but tell the whole story. They were sold by African merchants, black African merchants. Tell people that the USA was the first nation to ban slavery in a Constitution and the USA is the nation that fought a Civil War to free the slaves.

Tell your viewers about the Dixiecrats – Democrats – and their Jim Crow laws.

As long as we’re talking history.

CRT teaches children that if they’re black they are helpless oppressed victims and whites are evil oppressors.

It has a Marxist base and is intended to indoctrinate children.

These two are despicable:

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