Gun Ownership Up 28% in the US As the Left Tries to Disarm Us

1123 conducted a new study on how many Americans own firearms and how many own them illegally. They found that gun ownership in America increased 28% from 1994 to 2023.

How Many Gun Owners Are in America? (2024 Statistics)

Report Highlights:
  • Gun ownership in America increased 28% from 1994 to 2023
  • It is estimated that there are 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the U.S.
  • There are 6.06 million registered civilian firearms in America
  • Estimates show that 82,880,000 people own at least one firearm in 2023
  • Women’s firearm ownership increased by 177.8% in the past years
  • Gun ownership increased more among Hispanics than any other demographic between 2017-2023 (33%)
  • Gun ownership declined by 22% in the 18-29 age group over the past six years
  • One out of every 20 adults in the U.S. purchased a firearm for the first time during the pandemic

As the political climate heats up surrounding gun control and legislation, more Americans are buying firearms today than six years ago. In the past twenty years, gun ownership has risen slightly among women and Hispanics while it has decreased among men.

There is a lot more at, such as estimates of the number of illegal guns, since criminals don’t like to register their guns. Ammo also looks into gun purchase trends (2020 was a huge year for gun sales). Most people buy guns for defense, and more so now than even six years ago [as Democrats make the country far less safe].

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