Hack Jack Smith Released His Report – It’s Full of His OPINION


Corrupt hack Jack released the J6 part of his investigation into Trump

Special counsel Jack Smith claims he had evidence “sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction” of President-elect Donald Trump for election interference in his report. Trump responded.

Of course, hack Jack said that. He wants to convict Donald Trump in the court of public opinion without a trial.

Trump fired back on social media.

“Deranged Jack Smith was unable to successfully prosecute the Political Opponent of his ‘boss,’ Crooked Joe Biden, so he ends up writing yet another ‘Report’ based on information that the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs ILLEGALLY DESTROYED AND DELETED, because it showed how totally innocent I was, and how completely guilty Nancy Pelosi, and others, were,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post.

“Jack is a lamebrain prosecutor who was unable to get his case tried before the Election, which I won in a landslide. THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN!!!”

“To show you how desperate Deranged Jack Smith is, he released his Fake findings at 1:00 A.M. in the morning,” Trump added in another post. “Did he say that the Unselect Committee illegally destroyed and deleted all of the evidence?”

How can you not blame him for his anger toward this operative?

Smith called Trump deceitful. If that is a crime, then every Democrat must go on trial. Saying Trump was deceitful and using the fraudulent election as a weapon is OPINION.

“The throughline of all of Mr. Trump’s criminal efforts was deceit — knowingly false claims of election fraud — and the evidence shows that Mr. Trump used these lies as a weapon to defeat a federal government function foundational to the United States’ democratic process,” the report states.

There was plenty of fraud in that election. Donald Trump might have concentrated on the wrong issue, but there was fraud. The machines were difficult to prove. However, mail-in ballots, changing laws at the last minute to help Biden, configuring search engines to the leftists, hiding the laptop, and the media giving Biden free advertising were fraudulent.

Former US Attorney AndyMcCarthy said that Smith has already released this in a prosecutorial document last year and that there’s nothing new in this report and it won’t move the needle.

There is more. The 2020 election was a bad joke.

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