Halperin: If Data Stays, It Will Be Clear Trump Is Going to Win


Mark Halperin is a brilliant conservative analyst and straight-shooter fired from ABC News over MeToo allegations. He was the political director for ABC News and served as the editor of the Washington, D.C., newsletter The Note. He is now at Newsmax and has a podcast.

Halperin on 2-Way Makes a Momentous Prediction with Caveats.
“Good morning, everybody. Let’s lead with the lede, as they say in journalism. If the early vote numbers stay the way they are, and that’s a big if, we’ll almost certainly know before Election Day who’s going to win the election.

“We’re going to talk a lot about that—the reasons why Democrats might be underperforming, the prospect that they’ll recover. But again, make no mistake, if these numbers hold up in the states where we can understand even partially what the data is like, we’ll know that Donald Trump’s going to be president on election day.

“So we’re going to talk about that. But I didn’t want to bury that because it’s extraordinarily important, and we got to track that day to day. That’s more important than the polls right now; it’s more important than almost anything because it’s giving us insight into a variety of factors that are accounting for a Republican overperformance by various metrics in the early voting in the battleground states.”

Mark Halperin’s Morning Meeting Discussion:

If you don’t have time, go to 41:11 to hear about early vote, and the details of Trump winning.

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Watch his brief morning meeting:

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