Happy Mother’s Day from the Sentinel!


“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy.

No man does. That’s his.”

~ Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895

Mother’s Day in the United States was invented by a woman called Anna Jarvis in 1908.

Her initial inspiration was a desire to honor her own mother, who had been a militant peace activist during the US Civil War. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially recognized the second Sunday in May as the day to honor American mothers.

“A mother’s love’s a blessing,

No matter where you roam.

Keep her while she’s living,

You’ll miss her when she’s gone.

Love her as in childhood,

Though feeble old and grey,

For you’ll never miss a mother’s love,

Till she’s buried beneath the clay.”

~ Thomas P. Keenan from the song, A Mother’s Love’s A Blessing

Happy Mother’s Day!

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