Harris: “I Will Snatch Their Patents, So That We Will Take Over”


In this clip, Harris promises to take patents away from pharmaceutical companies that receive Federal funding for an R&D patent-protected drug and refuse to lower their US price to the global average for the drug. If they want to own a patent they can, but they shouldn’t steal them.

Kamala’s comments here are not innocent. She is a communist, and this is the camel’s nose under the tent. The hardcore left always finds a way to make their bad ideas palatable.

Spreading federal funds around is the way they gain power over companies.

As for the “global average” comment, one size does not fit all. However, we don’t want to pay for everyone’s medications worldwide. Giving the government control of patents is not the answer. They are the worst bandits of all, and they use the money inefficiently or to do things we don’t need, like pay off donors or start wars.

Steps exist that don’t involve taking over companies, which is communism.

In this clip, she is saying if they “don’t cooperate,” she (the American government) will “take over.”

This clip is from her 2020 run:

You can watch the full clip here, but don’t be taken in. She will bully companies and if they don’t obey, she will take them over just as Maduro, Castro, Stalin did.

This woman cannot be trusted. She loves being elected so she doesn’t have to ask anybody’s permission. However, she wasn’t elected. She was chosen by party bosses who then ordered the delegates to switch over from the man with 15 million votes to voteless Kamala.

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