Harvard University Is Destroying Itself


The Library of Harvard University has 15.6 million books and is the most extensive university library in the world.

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA, located in D.C.) published a deeply concerning article commenting on facts presented by a Harvard student writing for the Harvard Crimson. The piece is in the current issue of ACTA’s publication Inside Academe, and we posted a copy below.

Student Brooks Anderson revealed that Harvard has one full-time administrator for almost every undergraduate student and one for every three professors. The tuition is $52,659 yearly despite a $53.2 billion tax-free endowment. Worse yet, many of the 7,000 administrators are doing nothing for students. Instead, they are dedicated to DEI – diversity, equity, and inclusion.

As an example of their effectiveness, one task force created another task force. The same task force also hired an administrator. They’re propagating.

Harvard is funding thousands of administrators instead of lowering the tuition or investing in programs for students.

ACTA reviewed spending in 1500 colleges and universities and found that while tuition has increased, there has not been “one significant improvement in graduation rates.”

This lunacy is taking place in one of our most prestigious universities. How did we get here? More importantly, how do we get out of this?

We no longer have to wonder how the people of Germany went mad in the 1930s and 1940s. Ideology conquers all reason and common sense.

For lack of a better word, this is sinful. Yet, we have faith that this will turn around at some point.

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