The Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredits all medical schools in North America, is co-sponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)—the same groups that on Oct. 30 released a controversial guide to “advancing health equity” through “language, narrative, and concepts.”
Those concepts include the ideas that “individualism and meritocracy” are “malignant narratives” that “create harm,” that using race as a proxy for genetics “leads directly to racial health inequities,” and that medical vulnerability is the “result of socially created processes” rather than biology.
Beginning January 1, Medicare doctors can earn increases in their reimbursement rates if they commit to “anti-racism” as the systemic root cause of differences in health outcomes between socially-defined racial groups.”
These people are mentally sick.
Under the new rules from the Department of Health and Human Services, bonuses to doctors who “…create and implement an anti-racism plan” in order to “…reflect changes in medical practice.”
They are offering money to doctors to give value statements admitting what they know is not true – that the health system is racist.
The Marxist rules align with Biden’s Marxist executive order launching a “whole-of-government equity agenda,” which included “…equitable delivery of government benefits.”
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Equity is Marxist, and medical systems don’t deprive minorities of healthcare – it’s a lie.
It’s CRT for doctors. What they are infusing in the healthcare system is racism against white people.
The Department of Homeland Security in November listed “…diversity, equity, and inclusion” as one of its top two priorities, ahead of other items such as “cybersecurity.”
“Anti-racism” plans will fall into a weighted category which would give doctors extra incentive to implement them.
It’s a discriminatory policy and makes the system racist.
Clinics can add to their reimbursements by doing the same fraudulent thing. They can implement a “…Trauma-Informed Care Approach to Clinical Practice,” which seeks to “avoid re-traumatizing or triggering past trauma.”
They are racist, making black people into victims incapable of handling their own affairs.
The Marxists claim it includes “multi-generational trauma, whereby experiences that traumatized earlier generations, such as the genocide of Native American tribes, are passed down” to subsequent generations.
According to The Washington Free Beacon, many doctors are concerned that the bonuses will discourage genetic testing and worsen racial health disparities.
The whole thing is madness but the cowards running around in our country will just go along to get along.
One of our readers sent me an excerpt from WEB MD that he found to be one of the most racist articles he ever read in his life. Check it out below and see what you think.
The people putting this together are pushing communism. You can’t trust anything they say when it comes to research. As for claiming doctors and nurses, other health professionals don’t treat minorities well is absurd. Many professionals are minorities themselves. As for minorities, they are perfectly capable and don’t need to be treated with kid gloves as if slavery occurred yesterday. There are many reasons for health issues, but racism isn’t it.
This is madness and an attack on white people based on the color of their skin. It’s disrespectful of minorities.
This brings back the era of segregation, and it’s based on lies.
Chronic Conditions Common in Minorities
Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on September 24, 2020
How Race and Ethnicity Affect Health
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Racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. are more likely to have ongoing health conditions. These differences are caused by several factors. They include:
Less access to high-quality health care
Fewer social and economic advantages
Discrimination and racism
Mistrust in the health care system
Genetic, cultural, and lifestyle differences
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American Indians and Alaska Natives are most likely to be diagnosed with high blood sugar, followed by Black, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian Americans. Minorities also have more complications from diabetes, such as heart disease, eye damage, kidney disease, nerve problems, and even death. The Office of Minority Health and Healthy Equity is working to address these differences. One goal is to include more minorities in research that tests new diabetes drugs and treatments.
Sickle Cell Disease
This condition mainly affects Black people. Studies show those with this condition don’t always get fast or good treatment for their symptoms, including pain. That may be because some doctors believe Black people feel pain less than other races. Studies also show some doctors are more likely to believe people with sickle cell disease abuse pain medication. Sickle cell disease doesn’t get as much funding as other genetic disorders, like cystic fibrosis. That’s a condition that mostly affects white people. Experts think this might be why there aren’t as many new drug options for sickle cell disease.
This condition greatly affects Black and Hispanic people, particularly those from Puerto Rico. Black people are more likely to end up in the emergency room because of asthma. They’re also more likely to die from it. A large genetic study found that the most-used asthma inhaler, albuterol, doesn’t work as well in Black or Puerto Rican children. Studies also show air pollution hits communities of color — especially Black ones — harder. Bad air quality can lead to lung problems.
High Blood Pressure
Close to half of Black adults have hypertension. That’s the medical term for high blood pressure. Compared to other groups in the U.S., high blood pressure is more likely to show up at an earlier age in Black people and lead to serious complications. Experts aren’t sure why. It’s likely that genetic, lifestyle, and social factors — including a lifetime of discrimination — all play a role.
Experts aren’t sure why it’s slightly higher in Black and Hispanic adults. The social and economic disadvantages some face may play a role. For instance, depending on where they live, some may not have easy access to a grocery store with fresh fruits and vegetables. They also may not have sidewalks and other things that make exercise easier. Obesity also raises the chance you’ll have other health problems. These include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain kinds of cancer.
Cardiovascular Disease
Non-Hispanic Black adults are more likely to die from heart disease. They also have a much higher chance of having a serious or fatal stroke. That’s likely because heart and blood vessel problems are linked to other diseases high among minorities.
Kidney Disease
This condition affects Black people more than any other group. They’re almost four times more likely to die of kidney failure. Hispanic and American Indian people also are more at risk. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the main cause
Black people are 13% of the U.S. population, but they make up about 42% of HIV diagnoses. The rate of infection is highest for Black males at 31%. Black females are more than 18 times as likely as white females to have AIDS. Some researchers think the mass incarceration of Black men in America worsens these HIV-related health disparities.
Black males are more likely to be diagnosed with and die from common cancers. These include prostate, lung, and colon cancers. Black females are less likely to be diagnosed than white females, but they’re more likely to die from cancer if they do get it. Rates of kidney cancer and deaths are highest among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Liver cancer rates are greatest for people who are American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, or Pacific Islander.
Breast Cancer
Studies show doctors tend to find breast cancer earlier in white women, when it’s easier to treat. Black women are more likely to get triple-negative breast cancer. That’s a fast-growing form of cancer that often comes back after treatment.
Lupus happens more often in Black females than non-Hispanic white females. It’s also more likely to show up in Black females at a younger age and cause serious kidney damage. Rates of lupus are also higher among Hispanic and Native American women.
Uterine Fibroids
These noncancerous growths show up in Black women at a higher rate and younger age. They’re also more severe. Doctors can do a surgery called a myomectomy to take out fibroids, but new ones may grow. A hysterectomy is the only cure. That’s surgery to remove the uterus. Studies show Black females are more likely to end up in the hospital for fibroids and get a hysterectomy.
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