For the first time in the state of Connecticut, high school runners filed a lawsuit to stop transgender athletes from competing with girls.
The families of three Connecticut high school girls who run cross country are suing to block transgender students from participating in girls’ sports in the state, the reports.
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How would you like to be a female athlete who has to compete with biological males?
In a statement, a law firm representing the families accused school officials associated with Glastonbury High School and Canton High School of forcing girls “to compete against boys” by allowing transgender girls to participate in the same divisions as other female students, The Associated Press reported Wednesday.
“Forcing them to compete against boys isn’t fair, shatters their dreams, and destroys their athletic opportunities,” said attorney Christiana Holcomb, according to the AP. “Having separate boys’ and girls’ sports has always been based on biological differences, not what people believe about their gender, because those differences matter for fair competition.”
Title IX, Holcomb explains, is “a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for women in education and athletics.”
Is this a lawsuit that needs to happen? It appears to be ruining girl’s sports and some adult female sports.
SPORTS LAWSUIT: A group of high school students in Connecticut have filed a lawsuit seeking to stop transgender athletes from competing in girl sports, saying the state’s policy is “biological unfairness.”
— ABC World News Now (@abcWNN) February 13, 2020
The responses on Twitter were interesting. Here are a couple.
An employee at Columbia U said:
While @DwyaneWade & @itsgabrielleu are modeling unconditional love & celebrating their daughter’s self-actualization, these CT parents are modeling cruelty/ignorance & promoting stigmatization/exclusion. It’s unspeakably disgraceful.
— cait murray (@caitamurray) February 13, 2020
This is what “equality” gets you #women – boys wanting to be girls taking over “women’s” records. Stop this nonsense. BOYS WHO WANT TO PLAY GIRLS ARE NOT GIRLS. Period. Science backs this up.
— InternetUsurper (@IUsurper) February 13, 2020
The Ninth Circus dismissed a similar lawsuit in Oregon. Thank the ACLU and the Democrats:
Ninth Circuit Court Dismisses Lawsuit Attacking Transgender Students’ Rights in Oregon by @ACLU_OR
— Mark C. Robins (@MarkCRobins) February 13, 2020