History: the study of past events
Yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery, live in the moment baby” (movie 21).
Rarely does anyone care about history in real time. People always remark, “If I knew then what I know now, things would be a lot different.” Really? What exactly would you change? Your education? Profession? Relationships?
How about changing your destiny to a new continent 4,255 miles away because the Monarchy you currently live under is repressive to human nature and you want just a little more freedom to live your daily life with fewer restrictions? Unimaginable?
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Ok, how about telling the King of England, the ultimate authority of the world at the time, and his Governors, to kiss your ass, you’re not complying with his rules anymore? That would be death by hanging or shot on sight according to the law of the Monarchy. Too scared to think about it?
About two million people lived in the 13 British colonies when men decided they wanted to rule themselves. Out of two million people, 55 signed their name in defiance to the King onto the Declaration of Independence. That is .0000275 percent of the population that risked everything for the chance to live as free men. Today that would equal 9,075 men (330mm).
After 7 years of battle, they beat the ruling power of the world. Then, 39 delegates eventually signed the Constitution empowering a Republic for men to rule themselves under the morals of Providence.
History, especially American history, shows us how to deal with our lives in real time. Our Founding Fathers feared God more than the King of England. They feared for their kids and future generations more than they feared losing their wealth, or lives. They understood history and that free men, together, are far more powerful than any other group of men.
What are you afraid of? Your neighbor? You live next door and have they harmed you? I bet not. The governor and representatives of your state. Have they harmed you? I bet they have. See the difference?
I choose to be one of the 9,075 willing to sign my name and fight for the rights and freedoms of man. I believe it is time for the rule makers to fear the people who empowered them to make rules. Our vocal silence must be heard loud and clear with our physical presence, guided by spiritual benevolence for our destiny to be altered going forward from here.
I say we support each other, our freedoms, our Constitution, by supporting President Trump on January 6th, 2021, and go to our state capitals, in overwhelming numbers, to show our representatives that we are not to be ruled mercilessly. That we are able and willing to take control of our destiny without them. At any time of our choosing. So rule with dignity and respect for the rule of law as defined by the Constitution, not their lawless edicts.
I hope you are brave enough, respect history enough, and love your fellow man enough to show up at your state capitol on January 6th and let the silent majority’s voice be heard demanding truth and justice.
God Bless America!
David S. Kelley
@Davidskelley on Parler
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