Hochul Order Threatens the Takeover of All Long Island Schools


New York Governor Kathy Hochul is becoming extremely aggressive after her success in the last election. She successfully fortified the election against the Republican Party. She is ready to pass any initiatives she wants and won’t worry about losing seats.  New York is quickly becoming a one-party state, and it will be permanent within the next few elections. Her latest order is a takeover of all Long Island schools.

Long Island has an outstanding school system. I have been lucky enough to work in it. It has survived the Department of Education mandates. The teachers are excellent, and the parents are involved. The schools are provably among the best in the nation.

Hochul has produced an “Emergency Order” from the New York State Department of Education titled “Regionalization.”

The North Shore Leader reports she plans to put all schools under state control.

Under the Hochul Order, school districts would remain able to levy taxes and maintain school buildings, but the power over Superintendents, Principals, teachers, curriculum, and students would be taken over by a “Regional Superintendent” from BOCES, appointed by Hochul’s education department.

Targeting the Republican Suburbs

It’s a power grab targeting suburbs that mostly vote Republican.

Under the Regionalization Order, the Superintendent of every Long Island school district will answer to the Regional Superintendent appointed through the NYS government’s BOCES.  That Regional BOCES Superintendent will have final authority over the School District Superintendents.

The School Boards will be stripped of authority over the Superintendent, Principals, administrators, and teachers at the schools. Local districts will only get to tax.

It’s a way to make the schools mediocre like the rest of the nation. Parents need to maintain control of their schools. A regional set of bosses will be unaccountable.

The Order was issued as an “Emergency Order” to avoid the state’s Administrative Procedures Law. This way, Hochul avoids public hearings and meetings before the NYS Senate and Assembly committees.

School districts can’t opt out.

It is what Democrats want for the nation — total control. They don’t want an attractive suburb where burned-out urbanites can escape.

Hochul will still take our exorbitant taxes and the schools will become dumps like the city schools.

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