Hollywood Mogul & Chinese Communist Party Favorite Adds $1.7 Million to Biden Campaign  


by James S. Soviero

Despite their deep ties to China, a former Disney CEO, and his wife recently donated more than $1.7 million to a joint fundraising committee authorized by President Biden’s campaign.

On April 25th, the campaign announced that former Disney and DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg would serve as one of its national co-chairs.  

Two days later, the “Biden Victory Fund” received a donation of $889,600 from Katzenberg’s wife, Marilyn.  The next day, it took in another $889,600 from Katzenberg himself. He and his wife are also maxed-out donors to Biden’s presidential campaign, dumping in $6,600 each towards the end of April.

When Katzenberg was at DreamWorks in 2012, the company announced a multibillion-dollar deal with the Chinese government to build a production studio in Shanghai.

The deal, which effectively increased the number of U.S. films that could be released in the Chinese market each year, came just days after then-Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with then-President Barack Obama in Washington. Xi, now the head of China’s ruling Communist Party, traveled to Los Angeles after the Obama meeting and met with Katzenberg, and both men were featured at a ceremony inking the deal.

However, the agreement triggered an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into DreamWorks Animation and other studios for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by allegedly bribing Chinese officials to gain access to the Chinese market. (“Gambling at Rick’s Cafe’? Here are your winnings, sir.”)  Little information has been publicized about the probe. We wonder why?

Jeffrey Katzenberg and wife Marilyn

The Hollywood mogul and top Democrat fundraiser continued his connections to China after stepping down from DreamWorks in 2016. China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba was among those that contributed to an initial $1 billion for Katzenberg’s WndrCo to launch a mobile-first short-form content venture called NewTV.  Don’t know, as we’ve seen or heard anything worth a billion bucks regarding the latter mentioned.  

Because of that country’s human rights abuses and its continued threat to U.S. national security, will Katzenberg’s deep and longstanding ties to China’s communist government present a problem for Biden?

Hell no!  Because Joe, his brother Jim, Hunter, and other “right after me, America comes first” sellouts like Katzenberg couldn’t care less about Chinese slave labor or that dangerous nation’s growing military might.  

They’ve all combined to trade our possible leverage to do good for their 30 pieces of silver.


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