House Dems push through an act that will destroy our voting rights


House Democrats voted Tuesday to revive so-called federal oversight of state voting-rights laws that had allegedly been weakened by recent Supreme Court decisions, but the measure faces an uncertain future against Republican opposition in the Senate.

The House voted 219-212 along straight party lines to approve the legislation named for the late Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., a civil-rights icon. The bill aims to restore Justice Department review of changes in election law in states with a history of discrimination.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the legislation was needed to combat the “threat from a targeted, brazen and partisan campaign to deny Americans the ballot.”


The act is as bad as HR1/S1. It turns most of the states’ voting rights over to a three-judge panel in D.C. or to the Department of Justice.

It brings back the mandate of preclearance before a state can change most voting laws. Either a panel in DC with its ACLU graduates or the corrupt DoJ would get to make the decision.

For example, if a state wants voter ID requirements, or to reduce all the languages of voting materials, change the number of voting locations, or make changes to district boundaries, it would be turned over to the DC court or the DoJ.

These are the people who don’t believe in due process.


In the past, the only states and locales required to submit to preclearance were Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. Republican counties and townships in the northern states of New York, South Dakota, and Michigan, along with some in California, Florida, and North Carolina were also covered.

Mississippi, because it was once a Democrat Jim Crow stronghold, was in the DoJ hooks for forty years even though blacks voted in much higher numbers than whites.

Originally, black people were kept from voting. Democrats – Dixiecrats – and Democrat Klansmen, wouldn’t let them vote.

They will now turn this oversight over to all states. It’s devastating to states’ rights and puts way too much power in the Executive.

BACK TO 2012

In 2013, the Supreme Court overturned what had become a grave injustice for long-gone sins.

The John Lewis Act puts them back where they were pre-2013, only worse.

Remember Daniel Freeman who said Arizona could not ask for ID from people delivering more than ten early ballots? He’s still at the DoJ and more powerful than he was before.

Let’s not forget that Democrats demand we keep dead and ineligible voters on the roles, register everyone who gets a license including people here illegally, want all criminal felons — even those in prison — to vote (they make up one of their voting blocs), and they want to abandon all voter ID.

The government can win any case that comes forward with money alone. They have control of the bottomless taxpayer purse. It doesn’t cost them a dime. They can haunt you until you die and beyond.


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