HRC cursed, called a WAR CRIMINAL on her way to be exalted & she has her server with her


At last, Hillary finds her server.

On Friday, Hillary Clinton was heckled and booed by a crowd outside Queen’s University in Belfast. She was on her way to a ceremony installing her as the college’s first female chancellor.

As she stepped into the roadway outside the university, with her server (she finally found her server) holding her glorious train, members of the crowd began yelling at the former U.S. Secretary of State.

One person screamed, “war criminal!” at least a dozen times while another individual yelled for Clinton “to go f**k” herself. Finally, someone else in the group shouted, “shame on Queen’s,” before an inaudible chant briefly started.

As an aside, she also insufficiently protected the men in Benghazi. Then she left them behind to die and lied about it all, even to victim’s survivors. Finally, she got a videographer imprisoned for a year. She pretended his dopey video — only 12 people watched at the time — started the attack on the consulate.

The university officials say she’s dedicated to Northern Ireland.

“Secretary Clinton is an internationally recognized public servant who has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to Northern Ireland. She has an enormous amount to offer the University and will continue to work as a key advocate for Queen’s on the international stage,” Professor Ian Greer, the president and vice-chancellor of Queen’s University, said in a statement.

Choke. Gag. Barf bag, please.

Amazing how someone this awful can be this lauded.

The ceremonial term is for five years. After that, Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) will return for graduation and give advice. But, hopefully, they won’t ask her anything important.

Heckling left her undaunted. Such is her enormous ego.


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