Hunter-Chosen Aide Took Biden’s Secret Docs to a Location Before UPenn


Biden’s classified files were sent to another D.C. location before they were stored at the Biden UPenn think tank. They were overseen by a behind-the-scenes aide named Kathy Chung and taken to DC’s Chinatown where UPenn has storage space.

A team led by an aide Hunter recommended carted them around. Biden does think Hunter is the smartest man he knows, and that’s probably why he listens to his advice.

Hunter’s the Al Capone of dirty deals, and Biden takes his recommendations.

The documents were moved in the summer of 2017 after spending about six months at a government transition office near the White House once Biden left the vice presidency.  The transition office was in DC’s Chinatown.

I’m not making this up. Daily Mail received this information from a source. UPenn, which Chinese communists have remarkably enriched, oversees that space.

“Everything was just moved en masse to temporary space, then moved to Penn Biden,” the person told Daily Mail Online.

While we don’t know who the source is, the whistleblower was very specific.

Hunter chose this aide and Joe went with it.

Files from Biden’s office as Vice President went to a transition office near the White House and then to the UPenn closet.

The think tank forked over $900,000 to Biden, and he pretends he taught at the University.

There are many people tied to this.

And why is Hunter giving advice and direction to Joe Biden?

There were Biden’s former staff members, General Services Administration personnel, and the staff at the think tank, including now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who served as the center’s managing director.

The mystery woman, Kathy Chung is perhaps the most interesting. There are no photos of her yet and no one seems to know if she’s a Chinese national. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but I hope they give her a lie detector test.

We need to know more about Kathy Chung. The DOJ has allegedly questioned her. There are no photos of Chung, but she turned up on Hunter’s laptop. She had highly sensitive phone numbers, including the Clintons, senators, and the Obamas. Her emails to Hunter were tied to Rosemont Seneca. The firm was in partnership with Chinese communists.

There’s more at the Daily Mail. The Left on social media haven’t wasted any time calling this a conspiracy theory, but it’s actually key information in need of investigation.

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