If you are unaware, nearly 100,000 incorrect ballots were sent out by New York City. The officials said they would send out another 100,000 ballots. Seriously, that was the plan. That takes me to the present time and New York City Reddit user who received his new ballot. You won’t believe this.
The following was on Reddit so we decided to find out ourselves, but first, read the Reddit user’s comments.
NYC VOTER PSA: I just got a second absentee ballot in the mail after dropping off my first at the Brooklyn Board of Elections directly earlier this week. An accompanying note says due to the original vendor error which caused some people to get mismatched envelopes ALL ORIGINAL BALLOTS will NOT be valid. See included letter below:
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
just called the main NYC BOE to confirm and was told that the first ballot I cast will NOT BE COUNTEDÂ and that this second one with a RED STRIPE is the only ballot that will count. Their # is 212.487.5300 – pressed 0 and someone answered promptly if you want to verify this info yourself.
*Editorial: This level of ineptitude is shameful. Please make sure to use the second ballot if/when you get one since the first one was useless. Please share!
People who didn’t ask for a second ballot and had no problem, like this user, got one anyway.
How many just used the first ballot? In the apology letter, the Board writes: The Board will ensure that the second ballot will be the only one that is counted. And you can take that to the bank.
After I saw this on Reddit, I called and went to their website. I did call and asked the woman who answered. She said they won’t count the first ballot because it doesn’t have a red stripe on it. I said, ‘Are you sure, I don’t want to get in trouble for sending in two ballots.’ She screamed, “You’re calling me a liar. It says it online, doesn’t it?” I couldn’t answer when she yelled, “It has a red stripe, doesn’t it? It says it online, so I’m sure, you have a nice day.” Then she slammed the phone in my ear.
That’s a New York City worker, people. My taxes are going to that.
I don’t see anything online about it having a red stripe but the Reddit poster did seem to get one with a red stripe. Perhaps I missed the online information.
New York City is now a s_hole, one resident said. I agree!