Infectious disease expert says we’ll get back to normal in six years


An Australian infectious disease expert says it could be another six years before the world is allowed to return to “normal,” pre-pandemic life. He claims 75% of the entire planet must be vaccinated before anything can go back to normal.

How can he know this? He can’t! Unless he has the ability to see into the future.

“If we continue this global vaccine rollout while in other parts of the world infection continues unchecked, then we will see more sinister strains emerge which might have further impacts on vaccine efficacy,” says Dr. Sanjaya Senanayake, Zerohedge reported.

Infectious diseases specialist and Australian National University lecturer Sanjaya Senanayake said about 70 countries have signed up for vaccination programs. Presently, he estimates that the goal won’t be met in a year or two.

“At the current rate of vaccination it is estimated we won’t reach global coverage of 75 percent with vaccines for about six years,” Dr. Senanayake told the National Press Club on Feb. 10.

“If we continue this global vaccine rollout while in other parts of the world infection continues unchecked, then we will see more sinister strains emerge which might have further impacts on vaccine efficacy.”

We’ve gone from two weeks to seven years.

Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said there will be another pandemic soon. If the elites think everything can shut down indefinitely, they are insane.

The lockdowns are not scientific as we now know. They are destroying the economies of nations. Children aren’t learning throughout the U.S. in blue states. It’s unnecessary.

We know how to handle this virus and must open up businesses and get children back to school.

So, no, we won’t go along with six more years of this.


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