#IBelieveBiden is trending and it’s mostly his posse trying to cover for him. The same people who demanded we believe any woman who accuses a man they don’t like, now demand we believe Joe Biden.
We have the incurably braindead like Stacy who writes on Twitter, “All women need to be heard All allegations need to be investigated Thank you VP Biden. I BELIEVE YOU.”
We missed the investigation.
MinnesotaVoice writes, “Biden isn’t going to open up his records at the University of Delaware for you to go on fishing expedition. Covid has killed 61 thousand Americans&40 million av lost their jobs. This’s a DISTRACTION. If she has anything against Biden,let her go to the court of law. #IBelieveBiden“
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Samuel tweets, “I am more than ready to cast my vote for @JoeBiden come November to be the next President of the United States. I stand with and believe Uncle Joe. Nothing is going to change my mind about it. #IBelieveBiden #IBelieveJoe #JoeBiden2020“
And on and on it goes.
We’re sure the lamestream media will also treat it the same way they treated the Justice Kavanaugh case, with 24/7 attacks on Joe. Actually, we have the answer to that as the media quickly rewrites history.
Mika Brzezinski said the media should not apply a blanket standard and claims they never denied Kavanaugh due process.
You have just entered the Twilight Zone.
Mike Brzezinski:
“The media should not apply what seemed to be a Kavanaugh standard to Joe Biden. The media should not apply the same standard most applied to Judge Kavanaugh to Donald Trump. The media should not apply a Kavanaugh standard to any public figure.” pic.twitter.com/qdak3B6pmC
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 1, 2020
The same people who insisted we believe Christine Blasey Ford with her non-story and no evidence, are now saying to look the other way when it comes to Joe Biden, who refuses to allow a search for Tara Reade’s name in the University of Delaware database.
The ‘I believer are angry with Mika for pursuing the question in her random act of journalism.
ChicksDigScars writes, “Took the dog for a crap because Mika was hammering the same point AGAIN. After pupper’s dump, she was STILL at it. NO COMPARISON. There were WITNESSES and a pattern to Kavanaugh’s behavior, which the GOP chose to ignore. THERE ARE NO WITNESSES HERE. #IBelieveBiden #MorningJoe“
The opposite is true but Chicks doesn’t seem to know that.
Minturner1 writes, “Did you all see @morningmika @Morning_Joe ask Biden the same question about Tara Over and over again. He kept telling her the personnel records are at the Senate not U of Delaware. That was harassment!”
And so it goes. The Brock-Soros trolls are out infesting Twitter with propaganda. We don’t know if Joe molested Tara Reade or not, but the double standard does exist. The liars want you to believe otherwise.