During a 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley, Joe Biden said the pandemic is over, but, as is typical, the White House walked it back the next day. Whoever is running the White House is the person or person[s] who walks back Biden’s off-script comments.
If it is over, the mandates and emergency orders need to go away, along with the wild spending and wealth redistribution of college debt.
Here are some walk backs that turned up on a quick duck duck go search:
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Biden walks back bombshell Taiwan comments for third time
Biden Walks Back Comments on Facebook: They’re Not ‘Killing People’
Rep. Carolyn Maloney Walks Back Comments On Joe Biden’s 2024 … – HuffPost
American Officials Try to Walk Back Biden’s Comments on Putin – The New …
‘This man Cannot Stay in Power’ – White House Backtracks Regime Change Remarks
Biden walks back attacks on Trump voters in anti-MAGA speech
Biden says Trump supporters not a threat to country after speech blasting ‘MAGA Republicans’
We don’t know who the president is, but it could be Barack Obama and his Marxist appointees in the White House.
Dr. Panda explores the question, saying masks have been gone for a while in red states, and no one dropped dead in the streets during the “winter of death.”
“Studies show virtually no difference in death or infection rates. Americans have declared the pandemic over a long time ago,” Dr. Panda says.
“On the other hand, average deaths in the United States are 360 daily. A level that has plateaued at this level since April. We have, on average, 60,000 new daily cases, still high even as testing is down. The average life expectancy in 2020 and 2021 had its sharpest two-year decline in nearly 100 years. Excess mortality, here in the US and worldwide, is increasing. COVID-19 is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States.”
Dr. Panda asks the question, Is the Pandemic over?
We are pushing vaccines that only have an emergency use authorization. Why?
Earlier this month, Dr. Peter McCullough, who never agreed with the COVID vaccines, said the vaccines did more harm than good.
“It was clear that the advice from the CDC was erratic, it was inconsistent, but yet it was dictatorial.” He explains that the CDC should never have given advice on contagion control, as this is the realm of doctors and those who look after patients. What they did was highly irresponsible.
No Evidence
“There was no evidence to support public masking or hand sanitizers or social distancing,” he explains. And recently, he said that we’ve seen Dr. Deborah Birx come out saying that she created this protocol out of whole cloth because masks were to COVID as condoms were to the AIDS epidemic. It was something tangible to make people feel like they were stopping the spread.
He explains that studies have shown the same viral load between someone who is vaccinated and someone who is not, so there is NO medical backing whatsoever for any kind of vaccine mandate. This is huge news.
He also states that the vaccines never reduced hospitalizations or deaths, either. In fact, those unvaccinated folks, demonized as grandmother-killers, may have had the right idea all along. McCullough explains that “The data poured in from Canada, the U.K., Israel, Europe, South Africa, and Australia, clearly showing that when they account for who’s been fully vaccinated, that indeed, the fully vaccinated are doing far worse with Covid-19 than those who are unvaccinated.”
The New Untested Booster
He also mentions that in Fauci’s departure letter, there is no mention of Covid-19. This news comes as a new booster on the way is admitted to have had no human testing – only rodent testing data.
Dr. McCullough noted that “This is the first time in medical history that a product was developed and not tested in a single human being, and the government’s going to roll this out and now say, ‘A needle in every arm.’”
McCullough states that Pfizer has had plenty of time and money to do actual human trials. The fact that they have not is highly suspicious and may show that they are trying to get away with not having negative testing results.
He dropped another major bombshell. “The vaccines did more harm than good in the original randomized trials.”
He said that Pfizer knew that well over a thousand deaths had occurred within 90 days of the vaccine rollout and did nothing about them. They kept the vaccine on the market despite this.
According to Dr. McCullough, it shows that Pfizer has worked to actively suppress any negative information about the vaccines, even though they knew that it cost lives. He explained that the FDA is working to protect Pfizer and the other vaccine manufacturers. When it comes time to assign blame to either them or the FDA, it’s going to come down to a game of finger-pointing, and no one entity will be able to be held responsible.
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